Scott Manning & Associates
2 Horatio St., #16G
New York, NY 10014
20 Main Street, # 417
Hancock, NH 03449
Books for a Better Life Manning was the founder and executive committee chairman of Books for a Better Life, an awards program that honored excellence in self-improvement books. For 21 years, the event benefited the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. After the awards program’s second year, Manning was awarded a special 1998 Literary Marketplace Award in recognition of his efforts.

Manning at Books for a Better Life

The Event
The concept for Books for a Better Life was born with the intention of giving credit to the group of authors who have impacted the last 75 years more than any other genre of writers. Submissions were received in ten categories and judged independently. All profits from the evening went towards funding national research and local chapter programs and services for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The Books for a Better Life Awards raised more than $2.4 million thanks to the support of the publishing industry and other sponsors.

Manning at Books for a Better Life
At the 2015 Awards Ceremony, bestselling authors Dr. Mark Hyman and Lee Woodruff join event emcee Meredith Vieira and Scott Manning.